jueves, 19 de abril de 2012


 Identify a variety of steroids that are
  Knowing how steroids work
  To demonstrate the difference between anabolic steroids and steroid antrogenicos


The two types of steroids are known anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS, stands) are synthetic substances that vary given in testosterone, which is the male sex hormone that occurs naturally. the word "anabolic" tells us that is the muscle-building, and "androgenic" RICE us about the increase in male sex characteristics. "Steroids" refers to the class of drug. This type of drug is obtained legally prescribed to treat certain conditions that occur when the body can not produce as much testosterone as this is known as low testosterone, such as delayed puberty. They are also prescribed as treatment for diseases that result in the loss of lean muscle mass, can be seen between these of cancer and aids

Abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids

Some people may be athletes and non athletes can sometimes abuse anabolic-androgenic steroids making an attempt to improve their performance or their physical appearance. Theare taken  anabolic-androgenic steroids orally or injected, typically in cycles or stages rather than being used continuously. The use ("cycling") refers to a way ofconsumption taken steroids for periods of weeks or months, then have a rest period when you stop taking the drug, to return to consume later. In addition, usersoften combine several different types of steroids to try to make greater its effect is a practice known as ("stacking").
Anabolic-androgenic steroids affect the Brain

The effects are immediately obvious from the anabolic-androgenic steroids in the brain are mediated by binding to androgen receptors (male sex hormone) and estrogen (female sex hormone) on the surface of a cell. Once we see that made ​​this union, thisanabolic-estrogenic receptor complex can gain entry to the cell nucleus and makeserious changes in gene expression. this happens because the acute effects ofanabolic-androgenic steroids on the brain are partly a bit different from other drugs. The most important difference is that AAS do not get happy or produceeuphoria. This means that there are rapid increases in the neurotransmitterdopamine, which is what causes the "high" that often drives the behaviors that lead to drug abuse. However, the long-term use of anabolic-androgenic steroidsmay, after algtiempo, hit some of the same pathways and chemicals in the brainthat are affected by other drugs of abuse, such as systems of dopamine, serotonin and of opioids. Taking into account the combined effect of their complex direct and indirect actions, it is not surprising that they can affect mood and behaviorsignificantly.

 Mental health with anabolic-androgenic steroids

Reports Preclinical, clinical and anecdotal told that steroids can make part ofpsychiatric dysfunction. The investigations have shown that abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids -can lead to aggression and other effects a bit odd. For example, although many users report feeling good about themselves when they take AAS, sometimes evidence that may have sudden changes in mood, showingmanic-like symptoms that can lead to violencia.algunos researchers have alsofound that steroid users may suffer from paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability,delusions, and impaired judgment, and is also the result that they feel invincible.

Personal data
Name: Linda Contreras Natalie Perez
Address: street 10 N-7-42 South
Phone (s): 5608599
Place and date of birth: 23 OCTOBER 1995
Age: 16
Marital status: single
Document ID: 95102322836
Country, city and state or province: Colombia-Bogota-Cundinamarca
Level of education
Primary education (first to fourth grade art fitness center. Fifth-school of Salerno)
Secondary school (sixth-school of Salerno. Seventh - Pythagoras commercial technical institute. Eighth-school God is love (CDA) ninth tenth and eleven in the Giralda school alliance)
Studies: None
Other studies (three months of free theater theater Eight months of English in Colombo school)
Languages ​​(Spanish - native language. English level 4)
Work history
Work references

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